This entry contains instructions on how to import and update citations to the EndNote library (also found in “Working at the JIE”) along with how to import the new library to the website.
To update the library, go to the Wiley Online Library for the given issue, select all the articles, and then click the button that says “Export Citation.” Change the Format to Endnote and the Export Type to Citation and Abstract, and the citations should export after clicking “Submit.” When you click on the file, EndNote will open automatically and show the entries you just imported. First of all, add these to a new folder under the correct volume and issue number. Then, go through each entry, check that all material is there, and add that information that doesn’t import. I’m attaching a marked-up entry to show what needs to be changed, but I’ll also describe it here.
1. Change the title to sentence capitalization and add the subtitle (if any). Many times, Wiley doesn’t have the subtitle or there is no colon between the title and the subtitle, so look out for this.
2. Add the Epub Date from the Wiley Online Library.
3. Insert the Type of Article (Research and Analysis, etc.). If a Column, add a colon and then the subtitle (i.e. Column: LCA in North America).
4. Insert the MSID under Call Number. This can be found in S1 by searching for the title and/or author.
5. If article is part of a special section, put this under Label (i.e. Special Section on Education in Industrial Ecology).
6. Make sure keywords and abstract import. If they have, make sure you delete “Summary” at the beginning of the abstract.
7. In the Notes field, write either NO SuppInfo, or SuppInfo.
8. For Author Address, find the corresponding author’s email address from S1 and insert.
After everything is a complete, save a copy of the file and rename it as JIE Bibliograpy (Month) (Year). Make sure to rename both the library and the .data folder. Open this copy, and go to “File,” “Compressed Library.” After picking where to save the compressed library, go to When editing the node, upload the new compressed file, but don’t delete any of the old ones, so that we have some record of what’s been on the website before. Instead, make sure that only the newest version shows to the public by clicking the check box under “List” and unchecking it for every other version.
And that’s it…you’re done!