To update the Zotero citation library, follow these steps:
1. Make sure you are using Firefox and that you have the Zotero add-on installed.
2. As with RefWorks, you can either import citations from EndNote or the Wiley Online Library, but you would need to import an entire file from EndNote. To import them from Wiley, follow the same steps as for either of the other two libraries, but choose the plain text format. When the .txt document opens, copy the entire thing, and then go to the Zotero tool bar, click on the grey wheel, and choose "Import from Clipboard."
3. After the citations import, put them in a new folder with the correct volume and issue number under the JIE group library.
4. As with all the others, make sure the title is sentence capitalization with the correct subtitle. This could be modified in the .txt document, before you copy and paste the information, if that's easier (I actually think it might be).
4. Delete "Summary" from the beginning of the abstract (again, this could be done before importing it).
5. In the "Series" field, put in the Article Type. If there's a special section, put this in "Series Title."
6. Insert the MSID in the call number field.
7. In the "Extra" field, insert NO SuppInfo/SuppInfo, and on a new line "Epub Date: (date)"
If you add these to the group library, they should update automatically. To make sure, go to and log in with the username "Journal of Industrial Ecology" and the password "rmts4jie." There, you can go to "groups" and see what citations are in our library. As long as they are visible to you, they will be to any user who tries to view our group.
Note that the Zotero library still needs quite a bit of work if it's something people are going to be using regularly. The fields are quite different and we'll need to figure out what information we want to put in the library and where to put it. Also, the earlier entries that were imported from EndNote are missing important information and the fields that information is given in is pretty random, so that should be straightened out.