Chinese Translators

The Journal of Industrial Ecology strives to make its content accessible to people throughout the world. As part of that effort, the JIE provides translations of article abstracts in Chinese ( With the help of a group of translators and format editors, we are able to provide these translations, as well as promote them on the Chinese social media platform, WeChat. Below is a list of people who have contributed to the translation, formatting, and promotion of JIE content.

余颢凡 (Haofan YU)
Master student
College of Urban and Environmental Sciences
Peking University
Research interests: 
Circular economy; solid waste management
Advisor: Xin Tong

刘仟策 (Qiance LIU)
Master student
Sino-Danish College
University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
Research interests: 
Metal MFA
Advisor: Gang Liu

刘兆雯 (Zhaowen LIU) 
PhD Student
Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences

Delft University of Technology 
Research interests: 
Inclusive cities and transport infrastructure
Advisor: Marcel Hertogh & Martin de Jong

刘旭辉 (Xuhui LIU)

Master student
School of Economics & Management
Tongji University

Research interests: 
Water security
Advisor: Zhao Zhang


孟凡然 (Fanran MENG)
Postdoctoral Fellow
Faculty of Engineering
University of Nottingham
Research interests: 
Carbon fiber material recycling; automobile lightweighting; waste management; LCA; technical-economic analysis; sustainable energy

张义峥 (Yizheng ZHANG)
Master Student
School of Resources and Environmental Engineering
Anhui University
Research interests: 
Spatiotemporal fusion of surface temperature with deep learning
Advisor: Penghai Wu

张安迎 (Anying ZHANG)
Master student
College of Urban and Environmental Sciences
Peking University
Research interests: 
Xin Tong

李智伟 (Zhiwei LI)
PhD student
School of Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering
University of the Witwatersrand 
Research interests: 
Integration and optimization of energy and water networks for chemical processes; Sustainable Chemical Process Design
Advisor: Thokozani Majozi 

李杨 (Yang LI)
The John F. Kennedy School of Government
Harvard University
Research interests: 
Patterns, processes, and sustainability of industrial development in cities
Advisor: Ricardo Hausmann

杨薇  (Wei YANG)
Master student
School of Mechanical and Power Engineering
East China University of Science and Technology
Research interests: 
Molecular-level water-energy nexus; LCA
Advisor: Xuejing Yang

王婉君 (Wanjun WANG)
PhD Student
Institute of Urban Environment
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Research interests: 
Material metabolism at the national and regional levels; Global trade flows of metals and their environmental impact; Urban mining
Advisor: Weiqiang Chen

范承铭 (Chengming FAN)
PhD Student
School of Public Policy and Management
Tsinghua University
Research interests: 
Environmental policy and policy evaluation
Advisor: Junming Zhu


蒲广颖  (Guangying PU)
PhD Student
School of Environment
Tsinghua University
Research interests: 
Advisor: Lei Shi

赵旭 (Xu ZHAO)

Master student

School of Public Policy and Management

Tsinghua University

Research interests: 
Environmental policy and innovation
Advisor:  Junming Zhu

辛文  (Wen XIN)
Master student
School of Energy and Power Engineering
University of Shanghai for Science and Technology
Research interests: 
Energy and Environmental Impact
Xuejing Yang

雷锦明 (Jinming LEI)
Master student
University of Shanghai for Science and Technology
Research interests: 
LCA; Construction Waste Disposal; Building Information Model in Green Buildings
Advisor: Beijia Huang

魏瑶 (Yao WEI)
Master student
School of Metallurgy
Northeastern University
Research interests: 
Advisor: Heming Wang


黄莹 (Ying HUANG)
Master student
University of Shanghai for Science and Technology
Research interests: 
Social LCA
Advisor: Beijia Huang