Top: Mobile vermicomposting (worm composting) facility designed and built by New Horizon Organics at IKEA. Food waste from an IKEA restaurant can be ground and then digested by worms in these 25-foot truck trailers. Such a program is necessary given IKEA's 90% recycling goal for store-generated waste across the globe. Photo credit: Chad Hurley. http://wormwoman.com/acatalog/IKEA-vermicomposting/IKEA-vermicomposing-01.html
Center: Recycline's Preserve Toothbrush is manufactured from recycled plastics and can be returned to the manufacturer for recycling into plastic lumber products. Dentists recommend replacing toothbrushes every three month, resulting in about 50 million pounds of toothbrush waste in the US annually. Photo credit: Recycline, Inc. http://www.preserveproducts.com/
Bottom: Catalytic converter used in Thermofuel technology to tranform waste plastics into low sulfur diesel fuel suitable for transportation uses. Combination of liquefaction, pyrolysis, and catalytic breakdown can process most plastics including unsorted, unwashed, and laminated materials into guel that can be used in existing diesel engines without further modification. Photo credit: Ozmotech Pty Ltd.