Top: Pipeline for transporting raw materials, steam, and product among three adjacent industrial parks on the eastern seaboard of Thailand: Map Ta Phut Industrial Estate, Padaeng Industrial Estate, and Eastern Industrial Estate. The linkages for the exchange or sharing of raw materials, utilities, by-products, and products exist both within and between the parks. Photo credit: Siri Samutthal.
Bottom: Trucks (lorries) with bodywork using foam-filled panels made from recycled plastic bottles. The panels, called Panelplus and developed by researchers at Loughborough University in the UK, weigh 60% less than the traditional plywood panels. Trucks made with the new material will use less fuel or can carry a greater payload, reducing the among of journeys needed to transport goods and saving money. Photo credit: Loughborough University Publicity Office. http://www.lboro.ac.uk/departments/materials/.
Center Right: Todhunter Sofa designed by Q Collection, a design firm in New York City specializing in high-end furniture, textiles, and accessories using environmentally-friendly materials. Photo credit: Matthew Septimus. http://www.qcollection.com/.